...So what is the deal with all these organizing supplies, people, companies? Have you looked at a magazine lately that does not have all these ads in it? Apparently you and I very unorganized and we MUST get ourselves organized otherwise chaos will soon follow......Now I have a few comments about this (really hear me out). If you ARE unorganized then how would you know it? I mean really. You have lived you life up till now being who you are: unorganized, happy go lucky (where did that phrase come from and what does that mean?). If your lucky then your happy? Duh! No kidding. I have never met an unlucky happy person who is happy go lucky about it...... At least not before a few rounds of tequila anyway!.....Is lucky the person's name? "Hey there goes Happy Go-Lucky"! So Go- Lucky is his/her last name?............ And how about the words from Jack and the Knife? And how about those awful lullabies: "...the cradle will fall; down goes the baby cradle and all"? Who wrote this stuff Fellini?.......Oh it's an allegory?........Yeah sure....My theories on allegories goes like this: "This crap makes no sense at all", "I know let's call it an allegory!".........
So anyway I was picking up my son from school and to pass the time I was looking through some magazines.....Okay wait I have to tell you this.....How long has it been since someone told you: "To pass the time I was" i.e. whatever. No one uses that phrase anymore. Think about when was the last time you used it?....... Hmmm?........ You can't remember can you?..... My theory is (Si, I have a lot of them): "If you can't think of when you last said "to pass the time I did".... then you really need to let time pass.
We are all in this constant hurry all the time. For what? Mostly to hurry up and wait! And everything in our society is set up to tell us that: "If your not in a hurry you must not be living a very fulfilling life". I know people (yes I know people; I am part of very exclusive club) who think they are so important because they are soooooo bz. Well I hate to be the one to tell you folks (actually I don't rally hate it).... Busy and important are NOT the same thing. Just like annoying and interesting are not the same thing...Get the idea here?........
The sales industry know this (the fact that we have to all feel important) and feed on it! So men/women have come up with these fantastic products to make our lives "better/make us feel important". Let's see (too much to choose from here) there is the: fast food industry and their faster = better slogans... "If ya can't get it under a minute will give your money back". First of all (I don't know about you)but unless your saving lives for a living; you can take sometime to eat. Trust me. My life is not that interesting/in that much chaos (I don't know about yours); that I can't take 30 minutes or more to sit down and consume food. I would say that if you are in that much of continual crisis; seeking professional help may not be too far away....
And the computerized gadgets. Have you seen these commercials? "Get the new xR920 you can text, fax, copy, twitter, tell time under water, keep up on your soaps, water your plants and much more while you drive to work!".........Okay I must say this before I continue: Do not talk on your cell phone while your driving! Much less fax or water plants! Anytime I see a car swerving on the road; I don't think "drunk" I think "cellphone moron"! And........Yup there they are babbling on the phone...... And they try to look so important too. Guy in suit: "Yea Charlie sure I will get those boxer shorts you like. Yeah the loose ones I know"... Woman in suit: "Yeah Carla? Did you hear about Tom's impotence problem?"...........
I love the adds on cable that have all these crazy gadgets like: "Snuffles" the Kleenex you don't throw away! or Super sponge: you can wash your car and use it as a contraceptive aid!..... And the prices are always $19.99?.........
So what is my conclusion to all this? Glad you asked. Next time your at a restaurant tell the waiter to take his/her time. Tell the chef that you will gladly wait to get a wonderful meal. Tell the "Super Quick" clerk to slow down and make "Burger Heaven" kid take more than a few minutes to cook your burger......You would like it cooked this time! If no one around you slows down its up to us to set the pace! And this how I see it........
Back to my original thought (not sure how original it is but here it is anyway)......So okay were unorganized what of it? What is it that I am supposed to get organized for anyway? To keep up appearances? To make my house look different than it really is; for when other people come over? What? I mean short of not being on the "Hoarder's show" (by the way whenever I watch that show I have to throw something out); I think were okay.
So as I looked through this magazine (the one that is telling me that I have to be more organized); I see pictures of women who I guess are supposed to inspire me to get organized. I also notice that these women are rich and so they can afford to; spend time "organizing"...... I am sorry but I have a real life with a real family a real job and real problems. Getting organized is not at the top of my list. Ya know?.......So the woman is standing by her "specially" made closet and says: "Oh yes I hired a contractor to turn my bathroom into a closet". I thought me too! And I didn't even have to hire anyone! I hide a bunch of crap below the bathroom sink and in the linen closet...wait for it........I hide a bunch of stuff too not related to linen! ....I also use my towel racks to dry stuff on! Wow! I am part of the beautiful people and didn't even know it!............
Then the other women on the next page says: "I have to wear suits all the time (she is probably the one on the cell phone); so I color code them and put them in this closet. I then use the other closet ( inside my Victorian home) for all my sweaters"....... Me too! What are the odds?......I use every nook and cranny of my tiny apartment to stuff things in. So I guess I won. I was able to use up the most space. Ha!
As I turn the page I have to laugh out loud...... But before I tell you that I have to confess something, that's right; remember Confessions of Wise Latina? You knew what you were getting into to......... So I have this habit of talking to myself in the car, which wouldn't be so bad; but I do it out loud and answer myself as well. That's right. Remember what I said before about the people for whom mental help was not to far off. Yup. This is how I know! I am one of them......Wake up! Stay with me!........
In my car I have held meetings with President Obama, Carter; interviewed great witters, movie people you name it. Recently I interviewed Michael Moore. What's that? Yes it went very well; were having coffee next week...........So I mentioned I do this out loud right? I am like that that one channel that tells you to "live out loud"....... Except that I am not a movie star and no one gives a rat's behind about what I have to say/do in my car........ And oh yeah there no cameras filming my every move..... But really I used to be so involved talking to myself.......I mean interviewing famous people....That I would forget that others (by others I mean whom ever is outside of my car); can see me........ Since my car is not a limo, I don't have tinted windows. I must confess (you knew this was coming) sometimes I wish I did have tinted windows. You know when I am eating a huge piece of chocolate anything, have no make up on, my hair is dirty (really dirty) ......... Well you get the idea..............I am sure that's why celebrities have them too....Yes my fantasy life at work again............
So anyway thanks to the technical age and technical community at large; I can now talk to myself and it looks like I am talking on a speaker phone!.... Ha!.... Its so cool........ Don't tell anyone. This is one of the one of the few things that I love about technology....... I can lie better!..............
So I turn the page to see this guy (always a guy) sitting watching television (what an original photo); he is surrounded by water. Apparently his roof has collapsed and water is gushing down on him; but he still smiles...... Why? Because he knows his wife/girlfriend/significant other will pick up the mess; that's why. In every relationship there is someone who does the dumping and another who does the picking up. Always. Right?.........But I laughed not so much because of the "obvious" picture but because the ad was depicting someone who was happy; due to the fact that he had homeowners insurance ......This must be that stupid: "Happy Go-Lucky guy"......We found him! Yes!................
So what is my take on organizing? Just this: Start small and think of what really drives you crazy about your habits. Example:
Problem: Every morning your looking for the keys making you late for work.
Solution: Place keys where you can find them; when you get home.
Problem: You are late for work because you cant find what to wear.
Solution: Set your clothes out the day before.
You are laughing but to make real change happen; we must start with small steps (remember the "Journey of a Thousand Miles" thing?)........I am not sure who exactly walks/walked a thousand miles (I mean besides the folks in the Iron Man/Person thing). But I digress....... Change that we make slowly; stays with us forever. Just look at our legislators.......ooops......
The above mentioned "problem" scenarios are/were my husband and what he has learned (from me) in the past 15 years!.......That's right people this is how we do it......It takes over a decade but damn it we CAN change!
Until next time and more confessions! Take care!
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