In the Garden of Dreams/En un Jardín de Sueños

In the Garden of Dreams/En un Jardín de Sueños
Take time to see the unseen/Tome tiempo para observar lo oculto

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bilingualism is this still a question?/El ser bilingüe continua siendo una pregunta?

I woke up this morning and was pleasantly surprised to see a "positive" article about what a wonderful thing it is to be bilingual . I am used to the "not so great" tales about how bilingualism will ruin this country. I am also used to the "English as a national language",  some feel the need to use as their daily mantra. Never mind that at least in  half of the countries on this planet, folks speak more than one language.....

 More than one language? What is this world coming to? Oh my stars in heaven........We may one day feel.....Oh dare I say it?......more connected to other human beings, culturally rich and thus more knowledgeable?..........Hush........That's just crazy talk............

Back to the article. The journalist discusses how bilingual students need better options. The reporter  goes on to speak  about a particular student (which may very well represent thousands),  who speaks  English and  Spanish fluently but cannot read/write in the latter. As a result the student  struggles in class and  many believe that he/she will not have a very bright future?....And here is where I come in................

Confession: Only in North America would a person who speaks two languages be considered as someone who has no future! This young person has the potential of being anything he/she wants to be. Moreover we need classes that offer, already fluent Spanish speakers the "formal/academic" side of the language

Hmmm?.......Now where is it that students receive a lot of the "academic" side of Spanish and very little  in the way of acquiring language?.........Hmmmmmmm?..........If I could only put my finger on it?..........Oh yes! Spanish classes!...................

When our monolingual students enter "foreign language classes" which is usually around the 6th grade; they receive plenty of the formal part of language and not too much else. By this I mean that by the end of the years they have spent in foreign language classes they will be able to tell you: the many tenses, accents and  lots and lots of grammar.

In a foreign language classroom the curriculum (here we will use the Spanish language as an example) goes something like this: how to conjugate  an "IR", "ER, "AR" verb, what is the difference between past/present progressive? What isolated words mean, what is "Cinco de Mayo?" Then perhaps where Mexico is, maybe a list of other Latin American countries (very little if any of the contributions Latin Americans have made to our society), days of the week, names of the months, colors, numbers, contractions, the Spanish alphabet and of course the ever popular "International Food Day"..... 

When our monolingual students finish these "foreign language" courses they may even be able to teach a grammar class; after all they have spent a monumental amount of time in this area alone.........P.S.They will only be able to teach Spanish language grammar to those who speak English..........Let's not get crazy and think and they will be able to teach native speakers of Spanish language.........I mean did you think they were taking "language acquisition classes?" or Spanish as a foreign language 101? I love those words "foreign language".......It's like I am from Mars for being able to speak a "different" tongue........But I digress.........

Now I realize that some of you were not raised bilingual or bi-cultural and for this I am truly sorry. So let me help you see this narrative via the lenses of a  "monolingual" individual. 

Your English speaking son/daughter comes home and tells you she/he had English today; that is to say grammar and so on. He/she proceeds to tell you what she/he has "learned" about language/grammar:  "Well I learned the names of colors, verbs, tenses, some holidays and  numbers" get the idea..... 

Then you ask him/her to elaborate (in this newly acquired language) about  things he/she has learned. What you end up finding out is that your son/daughter can't string two coherent sentences together...........

Side bar: Now before we go any further we must stretch out imaginations and open our minds just a bit. This is really not a fair comparison at all. As  the students we are talking about in this example are well acquainted with the "target" language (English). Never the less we send our students to learn how to better "acquire"  language and thus prepare them for their future careers/lives.

Now,  it may take you a bit to absorb  what your child is trying to tell you and by this time you are pretty  upset. "How is it?", you wonder, "That my child is supposed to be acquiring language and the best that she/he can do is to recite the days of the week?".....So then you:  A) Hire a tutor B) Talk to the teacher C) Talk to the Principal or D) Do nothing?...I am willing to bet that if you are anything like me you would raise the biggest stink imaginable and hold everyone in the school accountable.

Friends this is indeed what is happening in "language" classes all across this country  today. It happens to monolingual students when they enter a "foreign language class". It happens to "bilingual" students when they enter our schools.  

The biggest difference however, in the case of bilingual students, is that their parents are not of this country and tend to feel that  they do not  have any rights to speak up about this or many other issues. The difference is that  most of the folks we are talking about have neither the tools nor education to advocate for their children. The similarity is that this feeling of helplessness is felt by those families from this country  as well.Regardless of your educational background/cultural status many of us don't know how to access the tools  needed to become  the best  advocates for our children. Trust me I have done the math.......... 

So it would seem that in the area of education we ALL have something to loose and much to gain..............

So how can we change this so that ALL students are receiving what they need in terms of language?...Hmmm?.....I am sure I read this  somewhere, that being able to speak the language that is being taught to me  SHOULD be  the "ideal" result?.....Hmmmmmmm?..........What to do, what to do?..........I  know!........

How about having Spanish speaking students who already know how to SPEAK the language assist those who don't?  Oh wait....I am on a roll...How about partnering our fluent Spanish speakers with fluent English speakers who are well versed in Spanish/English  grammar? These students  would  not only teach/help one another but..........Oh dear I say it.......Become.............. Friends?.....begin to narrow that awful racism gap that ONLY exist to keep people down?.......

What if the relationship that these students build in the classroom actually spilled over into the real world?..........Like having lunch together and spending time together?.......Oh no!...........Could it be possible?............... Okay, okay,  you get the idea.

Having said this, I do know that there are many wonderful teachers, staff, specialist and members of our own communities (regular folks like you and me), who work tirelessly  and countless hours for the benefit of all students. These people, these unsung heroes,  work to ensure that all students (monolingual as well as bilingual) receive what is "equitable" for them. Let me say this again: They insure that ALL students receive what is EQUITABLE for them. However we need to do more and can't keep moving forward until we are ALL in this  together.Until we make sure that we are all in it to WIN! 

Children are born a blank slate and it is up to us to enrich their lives......... Yes I am sure I read that somewhere....In both languages..........

Sunday, September 26, 2010


In the back of our minds we must realize that at some point we embraced diversity; wether we wish to acknowledge it or not. We did it when we chose a life partner. Our partner was that different and unique person; that inexplicably drew us in. Yet we knew, once we took time to look into their soul; that on the inside this being shared  all our  same hopes, dreams and fears. 

Why is it then that when we add a "hue" to the mix,  it all becomes about superficiality; about doubt and what sets  us apart? We fail to notice souls, likeness and uniqueness.  We fail to see every human being as an individual.

Color is not a race. Let me say this again: Color is not a race. If this your only argument for racism; then I am afraid it is not a very good one. 

We humans have not yet evolved enough to ever create a different "race". We are all of the same race. We are all of the "human race".
I am sorry if you thought yourself to be superior; the simple truth is that you are not. We are all equal in every way................and that is how I see it.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Cantinflas meets "30 Rock" for a Lesson Gem

Is it true that we can learn a foreign  language via television?........Well believe it or not there have been many studies done in this area. I could  bore you with research and  statistics but I won't.......I will simply say this: "One always needs an instructor, in human form, in order to learn anything". This is never more crucial than when it comes to "communications",  i.e. learning a  foreign language.

I could spend weeks talking about this subject alone; but I won't.......That's right the boredom thing again....

So can we learn a foreign language from television?........... We can,  if I am the one doing the watching and the telling.......So here goes this Lesson-Gem/Confession.........

One of my very favorite shows to watch is "30 Rock" and  on this topic alone I can go on for days...........In any event as I was watching an episode of "30 Rock" the other night, (and thinking about all of you),  it happened: "A teachable moment"!!!............President Obama uses this phrase a lot when talking to us.......hmmm?......I wonder why?.......But I digress............

Do you remember when we talked about the "literal" meanings of words?........ Remember the "embarrassed" and "embarazada" thing?.....Helloooo anyone there?.....

Remember when I said that just because words sound the same they do not mean the same or that one  could not simply  translate literally i.e. "willy nilly?"........... By the way: "Who is Willy Nilly?"........... Well I am glad you asked, I actually researched it (yeah I am a total geek) and this is what I found: This phrase dates back like thousands of years!  And as it turns out our dear friend William Shakespeare (or Willy as I call him), looooooved using this phrase. It's true. One can see just how fond he was of this expression when one reads a section of: "The Taming of the Shrew" (so I am told).....but I digress.......

Where was I?............ Oh yeah............ So there was a scene on "30 Rock" where this woman  is hiding (inside a closet) from Tracy Jordan.  The actress is "supposed" to be depicting a "Latina" and she was a regular on  "Saturday Night Live".  Of course I can't think of her name right now but she is very funny and generally has a small role  in most episodes of "30 Rock".........And if you don't know who Tracy Jordan is.......... then I am sorry I can't help you. You may stop reading now.............

In any event, the actress speaking Spanish has a pretty good accent, I have to say. Now I can only assume that someone NOT Latino "helped" this actress  with her Spanish lines?........By the way this is almost always a bad idea, to learn a language  from someone who is not a native speaker. One tends to need to learn a language  from someone who has at  least lived in the country (for some length of time),  where they speak the language one is  now trying to acquire.....Do you see where I am going with this?......Okay.........

Where was I? Oh. Yes! So the  character is afraid of what another  may do to her, so she says: "No el me va a doler". Okay. What she is literally saying here, if one were to translate this directly into English is: "No, he will hurt me"........Aha!......... There in lies the detail.....
"Allí esta el detalle!"........By the way (you know I always have to give you a Lesson-Gem/Confessional side note).........Here it is.........

There was a character named "Cantinflas"  (the actor's real  name was Mario Moreno) he was from Mexico and he was (to say the least) a brilliant comedian, stage and film actor. Mr. Moreno was also a pioneer of the Mexican theater. Charlie Chaplin called him: "The greatest comedian in the world".
If you mention his name to ANYONE who is Latino  they will know exactly who you are talking about! No kidding.

Weather  young or old, "Cantinflas" was able to transcend his characters to all,  including befriending  Hollywood's elite like: Elizabeth Taylor and Mike Todd among many others. To folks in the US "Cantinflas"  is best remembered as costarring with David Niven in the movie: "Around the World in 80 Days" (1956). 
  I used to watch "Cantinflas"  movies  as a little girl; I loved him and all his characters. Cantinflas had this famous line where he would say: "Allí esta el detalle"......... "There in lies the detail".  See?........ I had to tell you that.

By the way if you are wondering about the meaning of Cantinflas's  name here is the scoop courtesy of "Wikipedia":

As a young man, Cantinflas performed a variety of acts in traveling tents, and it was here that he earned the nickname "Cantinflas", although the origin of the name is obscured by legend. According to one obituary, "Cantinflas" is a meaningless name invented to prevent his parents from knowing he was in the entertainment business, which they considered a shameful occupation. In another version, the Mexican media critic and theorist Carlos Monsiváis cites a legendary account of the origin of Cantinflas's characteristic speech:
According to a legend that he agrees with, a young Mario Moreno, overwhelmed by stage fright, once, in the Ofelia carpa, forgets his original monologue. He begins to say what comes to mind in a complete emancipation of phrases and words, and what comes to mind is an incoherent brilliance. His assistants recite his attack on syntax, and Mario becomes aware of it: destiny has placed in his hands the distinctive characteristic, the style that is manipulation of chaos. Weeks later, the name that will mark the invention is invented. Someone, taken in by the nonsense, screams: "Cuanto inflas!" [C' ntinflas] (You're annoying!) or "En la cantina inflas!" (You like to drink a lot at the cantina (inflar means to swell)). The contraction catches on and becomes proof of the baptism that the character needs.[11]

So go get one of his movies what are you waiting for?........... You will die laughing!.................. And isn't that a great way to go?!.................

So where was I?.......Oh yes....Wake up!................One can't translate language "literally" as though you are simply replacing English words for Spanish ones........Or any other languages for that  matter......What the actress said does not make sense in  Spanish. Of course  someone may be able to decipher what she is "trying" to say but who knows really?....Remember the "riding a bike with blindfolds on" thing I told you in another lesson-gem?.........

Then what should this actress  have said instead?............ Glad you asked. She should have said: "El me va a hacer daño". Which does mean: "He will hurt me" and is grammatically correct!.....
"Daño" is meant to be used as "harm", "to cause it" get the idea.... When she (the comedian) used the word "doler" (though it meant hurt) it was used more as in pain that you have/feel in a physical or emotional sense.............

And here endeth the lesson for today amigos.........Be sure to leave me your leave me you comments and insights on line..........

Hasta pronto!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Call your congress man or woman /Llame a sus congresantes hombre o mujer

 Hola Amigos:
 I am spreading the word per an email I received today from Adam Green of
In his email Adam asks me and all of you out there to contact your congressman or women a tell them to support this new coalition to help BP workers. Please read below:

"A new coalition...has launched a site called, petitioning President Obama to make BP give [Gulf clean-up] workers respirators."
Just today, Rep. Tom Perriello became the 13th member of Congress to endorse our coalition -- joining Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Gulf fisherman, dozens of congressional candidates, and over 67,000 Americans like you.

If you live in the state of Wisconsin your Congresswoman is Tammy Baldwin and she can be reached in Washington D.C. at this #(202) 225-2906

Le's make a difference amigos!
Asta pronto!

Friday, July 9, 2010

una sugerencia/a suggestion

As I listened to the radio last night I was so shocked and sadden by the news that is was then the 80th day of the that horrific oil spoil in the Gulf of Mexico! I could not believe my ears. "What can I do", I thought helplessly as I listened. "I can learn more about it and  I can write about it".......So here I am......

Courtesy of Wikipedia this is something of  what I learned......

Wildlife and environmental groups have accused BP of holding back information about the extent and impact of the growing slick, and urged the White House to order a more direct federal government role in the spill response.

In prepared testimony for a congressional committee, National Wildlife Federation President Larry Schweiger said BP had failed to disclose results from its tests of chemical dispersant  used on the spill, and that BP had tried to withhold video showing the true magnitude of the leak.[107]

On 19 May BP established a live feed of the oil spill after hearings in Congress accused the company of withholding data from the ocean floor and blocking efforts by independent scientists to come up with estimates for the amount of crude flowing into the Gulf each day.[108][109

Journalists attempting to document the impact of the oil spill have been repeatedly refused access to public areas. Photojournalists have been prevented from flying over areas of the gulf to document the scope of the disaster. These accusations have been leveled at BP, its contractors, local law enforcement, USCG and other government officials.[112][113]

Scientists have also complained about prevention of access to information controlled by BP and government sources.[112] BP states that its policy is to allow the media and other parties as much access as possible.[112]

On 31 June, the Coast Guard put new restrictions in place across the Gulf Coast that prevent the public, including news photographers and reporters, from coming within 65 feet of any response teams on the beaches or vessels or booms on the water. In a press briefing, Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen said the new regulation was related to safety issues.[114] On televsion  host Anderson Cooper rejected the motivation for the restrictions outright.

And so it goes.........Then  I heard something even more shocking on the radio: BP is NOT allowing it's workers to ware protective mask; which means that these men and women are risking their VERY LIVES to save the planet and to put food on the table for  their families. Why are they not allowed to ware masks? Well I guess the answer is as old as the world it self: MONEY.........How will it "look" if we saw these workers wearing masks? Why we might think there is a real disaster going on?..........Isn't there?............

Please log on to: and join me and many others by signing  a petition that will all workers to have protective masks/gear..........

Asta pronto!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

30 ROCK AND A LESSON IN LANGUAGE?.................

As you all may or may not know (or care) one of my VERY favorite shows in the whole "mundo" (world) is "30 Rock"! I love love love it! Me encanta mucho! ( I really like it).........

So as I was watching "30 Rock"  tonight (one of their episodes from season 1) hit me........This episode (a small part of it) is the perfect example for my "Lecciones Joyas" (Lesson-Gems) regarding; using words too "literally" when speaking a foreign tongue...........Mas después..........More later.......

Que esten bien!
Be well!

Lesson gem/Leccion Joya "Embarrassed"...."Embarazada"....?

Hola Amigos:

Don't you just love it when someone tells you (usually a language instructor) how much you already know of the particular language you are trying so desperately  to learn?.......So here is me:

"Really? I was not aware that I already  knew  Korean?.......or "I guess I always knew that I knew some sign language?"......."Like this one?".........ooooooooooh come now have a little fun............

Okay so back to this "very serious topic"...........Perhaps "recognizing the fact that you may already know some Spanish;  is probably the most "crucial" component of this exercise. So without further ado here are some ejemplos/examples:

A) pronto (prohn-toh)= rigth away/soon
B) conclusión (kohn-clue-see-ohne)=yup you guessed it"conclusion"
C) invención (in-vehn-see-ohne)= yup "invention"

And so on............

However.......You knew there would be a "however" here somehwere........The trouble  begins in the "World of Words" (no not the "War of the Worlds" from  Steven Spielberg with  Tom Cruise, they  had nothing to do with this one)...........Here goes that story:

Courtesy of Wikipedia..........
False friends (or faux amis, French for "false friends") are pairs of words in two languages or dialects (or letters in two alphabets) that look or sound similar, but (big but here) differ in meaning. .

Here are my Ejemplos/Examples:

A) Actual= same spelling in English NOT same meaning in Spanish

In Spanish=  "actual" means current, this day, this moment......You get the idea.......So when you say in English: "The actual name given to that State was......... in Spanish you are saying: "The name given today or up this date is".........

B) My personal "favorita"/favorite is: embarazada (to be with child)........Oh yeah this is a fun one! So here goes this story...........

As you may or may not know "embarrassed" in English means NOT pregnant but ashamed or encumbered.......

Now in Spanish the problem begins with the fact that "embarazada" is the adjective that comes from the same root as the English word but (a big but here) nowadays or "actualmente"  (this vocabulary word evolved a bit over time) it is exclusively used to mean "with child", pregnant, "preggos", "bun in the oven" and so on...........

My mama refers to this stage in life of pregnancy  as: "the walking incubator"..... isn't that romantic?.......Ahhhhhhhh.........

More later........

An anecdote: 

I knew this lady from Perú who was here in the US for sometime while she learned English. One say she came home from church telling how nice EVERYONE at the church was. How all of them shook her hand and welcomed her to the church.......I thought: "Wow I know no one at that church and I have been living around here since grade school". The next Sunday came and went and again my Latina pal  came telling me how delightful everyone had been and not just to her but with one another......"Hmmmh?" I thought to myself.

The following Sunday I decided to go with my Peruvian friend to this "wonderful new" church.......

Well we got to the church and everything seemed as normal as one would expect at a church........We sat down listened, stood up, sat down , you get the idea........ Then my friend looks at me and says: "Okay here it comes" she says, "This is the time when we all greet one another"...........

Then  it began: "Pleased to meet you", as my friend shook everyone hands who she could reach and then some.........

As we left the church I burst out laughing. My friend asked why I was laughing so crazily after church; my whole body went into convulsions. "Well", I said trying to be serious, "These folks are not telling you "nice to meet you". To which my friend replied in her Latina accent: "No?'.........I replied: "No", and tried to continue  with a straight face.

"What these folks  are actually telling you is: "Peace be with you!", "Not", I continue, "Pleased to meet you"............Then we both burst out laughing ........

Ahhhhhhhh that was a fun day!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Lesson gem/Leccion Joya

A brief note about learning languages........

One of the many ways in which learning a second language helps you  "the learner"  is by opening/developing what you already know. Huh?........Okay it's like this: knowing a first language is a sort of segue way  into knowing an another.......Huh?,,,,, Okay stay with me here......

It is much easier for one to learn to read in a second language if one already knows how to read in ones  own language.......If you can read then YOU CAN read. Period. The ability to read transfers rapidly across languages.....Get it?......As a reader you already know all the rules to follow on how to read (left to right, sounds etc) now you just need to apply them to the reading of foreign language.

Basically the old adage that: "Old dogs can't learn new tricks" is definitely  NOT the case in acquiring language. The older you are the more of an advantage you have.....See I knew that getting old had its advantages!

Hope this helped!

George Lopez

Hola Amigos:
As a Latina I could not go on writing without mentioning the great George Lopez. I love his stand up act and his new television show "a la Johny Carson" but with more "sabor" (flavor).

I like Mr. Lopez not only because he is a superb comedian in his own right but because he tries to educate with humor and not a "discurso" (a speech). He never claims to be anything else than who is.  He is a humble man  as well as an extremely intelligent man.......... Incidentally that  is how one can tell a true intellectual; by their humility and down to earth attitude. 

In any event whether you agree with me or not  I felt this had to be  said.............

Asta pronto!

Monday, April 12, 2010


........Our words should be used as gifts to others; I heard someone say........What do you think of this?.......I think it is very poetic and true and it makes you want to think before you speak.........And how hard is this to do?..................

I suppose like with anything it simply takes time and LOTS of practice........Have you ever noticed how easy it is to be nice to those who are nice to you? And NOT the other way around? ha ha......

Sometimes I think that being kind to others is more of a gift that you give yourself. When hate or discourse enters our speech it really only affects us. Yes the other person may or may not get mad at what you have just said; but this is so relative that it is too difficult to measure...... So then to what extent has the other party been injured?

All you really come away with is how YOU are feeling and continue to feel.......Right?........I don't know either but I think so........Yeah yeah yeah thinking isn't knowing...........But it is probably the first step towards the process of thought..........

As I have told you before my dear reader: language is an ambiguous and complex lady; she may betray you even if your trying to sing.........Think clearly before you speak and remember that words should be our gifts...................

Asta Pronto!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lesson-Gem Two:A Brief History/Leccion-Joya Dos: Una Breve Historia

Why is it the "Romance" language?.....Is there any romance in it?......
The term "Romance" comes from the “Vulgar Latin” (no it’s not a potty mouth Latina/o); rather it was the "nonstandard" form of the Latin language. Who knew?
I suppose one can make the connection (with Vulgar Latin); as something like, not the "formal" part of speech.

The other side to “Vulgar Latin” was Medieval Latin. So if one spoke in "Medieval Latin"; one was speaking" the conservative version" of the language. This “conservative” was used (for the most part) when writing and in formal contexts.

Keep in mind that in medieval literature of Western Europe; serious writing was usually done in Latin. However popular stories were written in the vernacular (mother tongue) and came to be called.....Yup you guessed it……….. "romances".

A side note: When my grandfather, Carlos Jose, studied law (looooooooooooong ago),my mama tells me that he did so in Latin.....So get this........He had to learn Latin (formal) first; before he could even study law!!!.......Ya know becuz law is so easy anyway........

I always hear people say that once you know Spanish (because it is a romance language); that you can pick other languages (or guys or chicks okay WAKE UP);from the same vain........Well?......


The sentence- She always closes the window before dining (or having dinner)is written here in several romance languages. But I can only figure the sentence out in a couple of these. How about you?

Here it is in Spanish: Ella siempre cierra la ventana antes de cenar

Latin Claudit semper fenestram antequam cenat.
Aragonese Ella tranca/zarra siempre la finestra antes de zenar.
Asturian Ella pieslla siempre la ventana/feniestra primeru de cenar.
Bolognese (Lî) la sèra sänper la fnèstra prémma ed dsnèr.
Corsican Ella chjudi sempre u purtellu primma di cenà.
Catalan (Ella) sempre tanca la finestra abans de sopar.
French Elle ferme toujours la fenêtre avant de dîner/souper.
Galician (Ela) Pecha sempre a fiestra/xanela antes de cear.
Italian (Lei) chiude sempre la finestra prima di cenare
Milanese (Le) la sara semper sü la finestra prima de disnà.
Neapolitan Essa nzerra sempe 'a fenesta primma 'e magnà
Portuguese (Ela) sempre fecha a janela antes de jantar/cear.

The word "ventana" in Spanish (window) seems to appear in almost all these sentences as some form of "finestra".

Interstingly enough (for me anyway WAKE UP) I was able to "decipher" some of the words in these sentences. It would have been a lot easier for me if that darned "finestra", would have been replaced by the word "ventana", a word I know……I guess?.......

However I would have only understood pieces of information not the whole "Hallaca". What is an "Hallaca?" Glad you asked. Here it goes...

The Hallaca is a staple of the Venezuelan Holiday dinner dish. Yes my family is from Venezuela. And Hallacas are really yummy! And really only prepared for/around Christmas. They are a ton of work! So no I don't make them; so don't ask me for any orders........

The Hallaca is also the most representative icons of Venezuelan multicultural heritage. I like to think of it as Jazz....A little of this a little of that......

Hallacas are prepared with a "multicultural" array of ingredients that include: European ingredients:like raisins, nuts and olives, indigenous ingredients: corn meal colored with annatto seeds (natural plant extract used to dye foods) and onions. Also African ingredients: smoked plantain leaves used for wrapping. I love how the Hallacas look wrapped in the big plantain leaves!

Remember how I said food brings people together?..........

Okay so back to the "whole Hallaca" metaphor. When you learn Spanish in school (as a foreign language) you tend to feel as I do when I read all of these "romantic sentences".........Like" "I guess I know what there saying?"......"I can pick up some of it"........"I got one word"........hmmmmmmmmm? Kinda....Nope........

You can't "pick up" words here an there when your listening/having a conversation.......Ya know watta I mean?..........Like in Austurian the phrase : Ella pieslla siempre la ventana/feniestra primeru de cenar. If I read this or if someone was saying this to me I would get that: “She always window before dinner”......hmmmmmmm? What the heck does she do at the window before dinner? Does she jump out the window before dinner? Does she have a phobia about windows? Is her significant other coming from the window to shoot us both?.......See? It gets to be important to know.

Yes I can ask the person what she/he means; but I am not sure that I would get anywhere or where to start? Weeeeeell you might say; “You can use hand gestures and keep talking ;till one of you gives up and has dinner by themselves or with the window closed.....

To that I would say to you my dear amigos: “Would it not be better to know the entire conversation from the beginning?......

So this is what I want you to take away from this "lesson-gem" today: Don't settle. If you are taking a course on line or at a college.......Do not settle for this. Knowing half of what someone is telling you is like riding a bike with blindfolds on......Ya may get there eventually but you will be severely injured........How so?........

Tell ya next time........

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Lesson-Gem One (Lección-Joya Uno)

La primera Lección-Joya tiene que ver con el alfabeto Español. Si puedes aprenderte no solo el alfabeto pero la pronunciación de cada letra; podrás empezar a leer en Español!

Obviamente no vas a saber que carrizo estas leyendo;pero al menos los que te escuchan lo creerán!

Cool huh? ja, ja, ja. That's right even the ha ha ha's have to be translated!

Proverbio de hoy:
"En boca cerrada no entran moscas!

Translation puhleeeze!!!!

The first "Lesson-Gem" has to do with the Spanish alphabet. If one can learn not only the letters in the alphabet but also how to pronounce each letter; you can start reading in Spanish. Obviously you are not going to know what the heck your reading; but others will think you do! Cool huh?

Today's proverb:
"In a closed mouth; flies can not enter" (It's funnier in Spanish)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Got Spanish?

Hola/Hello Everyone!!!!!!

So I have been busy today trying to find some other things my readers may be interested in.

So I did some digging, (not outside though too cold),but in the vast tunnels of my mind.........What did I find?....Glad you asked.......

Well besides some much needed cleaning and more than few cobwebs; I realized that I needed to add more about one of my "mother" tongues....One of them being: Spanish...Duh!......Yes another "Duh" moment for me......

By the way. Why do they do the call it "your mother tongue"?...Does there seem to be a mother in law joke in there to you?.....Okay, okay...... focus people!!!!!

So here is my plan........

Yes!!!! I will bore you with Spanish lessons, culture, about my life over seas, my family, food and so much moooooooore.......More Latina info. than you EVER dreamed of!!!!!!!!

So as you read these "lesson-gems" email me with questions/dilemmas at:

There I will be able to give you more tips (tailored to your situation); and these tips will become a part of my Blog. I will also be able to provide you with the tools you will need the most to learn Spanish. Most importantly I will learn about my readers!

So staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay tuned!!!!!!Wake up!

Monday, January 11, 2010

An Aha! Moment!

Okay I hate to use this term: "Aha moment". It sounds very commercialized/dorky to me."No se que?".......

In any event I had one of those moments this evening. By the way what is an "Aha! Moment?" It seems to me an aha! moment does not necessarily mean something good. I mean I guess that is what it's supposed symbolize?... "Aha! I found my slippers!", "Aha! I remember where I left my keys!" or "Aha! You cheating bastard I gotcha now!!!!"........See watta I mean?.........

Any who. I was talking to my husband (yes on occasion men and women can converse and these conversations don't often involve the t.v. remote).....More on this another time.....

So ya know how when someone tells you something that makes you think?.... "Well yeah!" "Duh!".......This is what happen to me tonight. I can admit it, I am a strong Latina. So here goes that story......

I was writing a new column and asked my husband (as he is my spelling Guru), how to spell something. Now, yes, I know what you are thinking. "Duh, use the spell check". Well hold on there!......... I did use the spell check only to find that their were like 15 different ways to spell this word. And, NO! I will not tell you the word I could not spell, for the life of me! It's too embarrassing.

Anyway as I was saying, before I so rudely interrupted myself: I asked my Guru hubby.

My Guru says to me (after answering my questions), "So like you speak Spanish right?".......Uhmmmmmmmmmm? "Yeah hon". "All my life". So he says, "Well I was thinking how come you don't translate your Blog into Spanish?", he continues, "I mean the whole "thing" is based on the fact that you are a Latina and can speak two languages right?"....."Uuuuuuum? Yeah hon". He says, "Weeeeeeeeell?........This would be a great way for Latinos and "those who speak Spanish" to read it as well!"

Hmmmmmmmmmm? Let's recap: "This would be a good way for Latinos AND "those" who speak "Spanish" to read it too"..........I am sorry, "honk", I need a judges ruling on this..... "Latinos and "those" who speak Spanish? Ya see how these pearls just fall on my lap? Watta am I to do? I can't not take a shot!

So in my Guru's world there are "Latinos" and "those" who speak Spanish? I think I need to re address/down grade him from that whole "Guru" thing......Definitely.......

Anyway back to my story........"BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!", I thought. "Why the hell did I not think of that?".....Duh!!!!!!!!!! (So this really became a "DUH" moment; not an aha! one). But that's how I am. That's how I roll people!

What is that saying? About being too close to the trees or the forest or something outside???? "If you get too close to a bush you can get a rash? I don't know......But it's true!!!!! If you are too close to nature you can't see a damn thing!!!....At lest that's what I think politicians say when they are hunting?.....I will leave that one to your imagination........

Speaking of nature. I had a friend who would go on vacation to her cabin. Now I must explain here before you get visions; of some gorgeous retreat in the mountains a la Hollywood style. This was not a "retreat" as in: "Oh I have to go there." This was maybe "retreat" as in: "I can't believe I came here deliberately?" Kinda thing. Okay?

One of the "special" things that her cabin lacked (of many); was that it had no running water or indoor plumbing. That's right people; this is living! Now follow me here it may get tricky........Since it had no "indoor" plumbing......Wait for it.... Yup......She had to use the out door plumbing "facilities". Yaah! She had to pee outside! I KNOW!!......

So I was like, "How the hell do you do that?", "I mean what if a thing goes up your butt or what ever?" She would laugh and answer me in a very calm instructional-tape-like- voice, "I am just too close to nature to see anything; all I feel is calmness all around me". To which I said, "Well yeah I can be calm too; but I can still feel when something bites my ass?"..........I digress.....

So anyway......... I will be translating my column (to the best of my ability) into to the Spanish language. Now I use the term "to the best of my ability" very "deliberately" here, as well as a "disclaimer"....... Don't like, count on the fact that the translating you see/read is correct. Ya know?....... Ask around....... Send me comments....... Correct me....... Whatever........ But by no means assume that I am a "translating queen".

Remember when you assume?.......You make an ass out of you and Uma Thurman.............

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My first Blog.........What dare I say?.......

I should have written this a while back........But here goes....

Well I did it! I made a Blog; so now what?..hmmm?.....So much to much to talk about......So much to think about. I just watched an interesting episode in what we call " television-media". I will share my take on it with you. And maybe make ya laugh! ...................

I was watching a show tonight that showed an overweight actress talking about her weight gain, loss, gain. I think this too, is the story of my life and the lives of so many; with a tiny difference.......Were not in Hollywood.

We, my friends/amigos, are not part of the beautiful Hollywood people.

A side note here: My mom thinks that all of "us" I(you/me) are the real beautiful people. Mom says that if we think about it; they (Hollywood) are the really ugly people!? Her reasoning: “Hollywood people have 5 different “assistants” getting them “ready” in the morning”. Mom goes on: “One has to be pretty damn ugly; not to look good after that!” I like this analysis.

Let's continue the show.

The woman in this show seemed to think that she had found the "key" to weight loss. Yes folks she had found the key; but she was not divulging where it was? This seemed hilarious to me; as she claimed to be out there to "help" people???
Oh this too easy. I can go in soooo many different ways here?..hmmm?......Okay.

Well this actress, (the one that wants to help “the people”), would only tell the host of the show; the whereabouts of said key. She (the actress) could not tell the rest of us pathetic losers; till she had launched her "weight loss" program?! ......I mean her “key”.

Here comes the funny part. I saw the host of this show about a month ago and thin would NOT be a word; I would use to describe this person. AT ALL!

Hmmmmm?.......Could it be possible that the actress gave the host; a key to the mint instead? Maybe she got her metaphors crossed?.........Possible?………..

Anyway. The actress had apparently lost 20 some pounds already in but a few weeks. Yes "weight loss" was detected, (by her I guess), while in her “key” program; which she will not divulge to anyone. Let’s us also remember that she indeed wants to help people.

What do I think? Too easy!...........

When I hear someone say that they have found the key to weight loss, I wanna scream: LOOSE IT!!.........There is no key to weight loss, (trust me), if there were; the weight loss industry would die out!...

I think weight loss like anything else starts in your head.

Interestingly enough the wisest comment on this “show” came from the world's heaviest man who said: “I don’t believe in stomach surgery. I believe the problem (weight gain), is in our head”. He continues. “So until they can come up with surgery for ones head; I will diet one day at time”.......

VERY WISE words indeed....Too bad they got lost in the “bleeps” that we know all too well as television...

I wondered if the actress had received this man's message? Doubtful as the host of the show was twirling her/his hair as she/he listened to the only wise message....

And so it goes. People speak, we listen, they pretend to listen, we talk back, they don't hear, they don’t think. We change our lives, we think, we try to analyze. We dream we hope and some of us; go as far us basing it all on bleeps…..

My quote: “Language is a tangible yet ambiguous friend; she may not relay what you intended to say”....Who knew?.......If you must use this quote you will need to use my name/send me cash. My people will talk to your people....Okay?

So my blog will be a little of this, a little of that and some of the other. As I am a bi cultural bilingual (raised on two sides of the Americas); I will undoubtedly weave those experiences into my writing. In the end we are all filled with experiences and yet lead our lives in wonder.....

I hope you will find my blog thought provoking. I hope that you become a part of the conversation. I hope to make some friends along the way. I hope that others share their experiences with me; but most of all I hope you have fun, a few laughs and enjoy what you see/read along the way.